Monday, March 8, 2010

17 Pride of the Clothes Hamper

Lightning shone girth of Half-a-Nothing
minus anniversary nightie, pride of
the clothes hamper; awaits flaunting.

Another day in the fiberglass mines.

'The Runt' purported to have played
caddie yesterday, for the new
Jellyfish Parliament. Back from the dead

and conscripted
by the sheepish locals,

via Miss Darling Thorne.

This is what she said,
in list form...That is,
in list form, she said it:

"-Ever talcumed rump, always apart.
-Unlimited compliments in crimson.
-Stylish custody in chains.
-Anomalous smells."

A quick mount in the
oven and bacon store

not undesirable.

Backfire from the Mohair Module
melting their wax bicycles.

Neckties draped across
medical models gurgling trigonometry.

Emerald, pygmy skeletons
in the best ever stilt movie.

Skin graft bat,
pride of the clothes hamper.