Wednesday, July 29, 2009

6 The Annihilation of the Comatose

anointed elevator shoes, something abnormal about them
standing by a bedside

some years ago, one nightfall
during the Annihilation of the Comatose

methodically enacted in anonymity

(by hooded Mr. Halternoose)

and his wife with big jugs,
in purple garters. Depressions in the pillows

where their knuckles held so fatally firm.

'Litter' of eleven unremarkable bodies
with the ill logic of just as many 'suicide notes'.

A chorus of crows furnishing the couples' teeth
with gold amalgams

reflecting the flaws in & to each of the two faces.

Liberal slap fights with vulcanized rubber
while standing on several sea green sawhorses.

Breathlessly giddy talk of (hopefully) defective prisons
and their poky little dreams.

Flouting the tiger-laws of Papa Locus...

their wholesale takeover of Empire Autos...

faint, ivory-shaded notions sinking into nothing.

Like squatting over upturned scissors.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

5 The Anniversary of Years Ago

Nothing abnormal. the anniversary of years ago.

when tiger not (so) comatose, his tiger wife in purple garters
rockin' with big jugs of Halternoose Juice.

the bobcat to go bye-byes
borne on a litter of remarkable italics,
eleven camels darting through new masonry.

she,wife, to furnish properly the Plaza Palace

elevator car, still standing on several sawhorses.

tiger relatives in a prison of their own defects
chew on vulcanized rubber, cactus paddies
and talk of tumbledown Empires

poky little rooms in darkness, and dreams
of enough possessions to throw a bit of trash away

a chorus of crows... sinking into a depression.

A folding chair carved in one piece from a single palm tree.
flashes of unavoidable vision.

antelope flautist with legal-then ivory buckle
fainting onto a mound of oval avocados.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4 The Sawhorse Wasn't There

So, the blithe bobcat, that night, respectfully anointed
an elevator shoe

despite likely annihilation in three minutes,
(and a haphazard burial with planted evidence);

the hammock under the comatose tiger,
the hammock of prickly nooses and purple garters,
rocking both ways over a jug of Corn Juice.

The tiger relatives talk of emollients for a well-lived life,
playing slap jack in the plaza parking lot
in laughably moth-liberal lighting...

the stakes an oval-backed cane chair
'Papa Locus' was sitting in,
a mound of fried starches interlaced
into a greasy pyramid,
and a camel lamp with wings.

Sawhorse was not there tonight
being called away on a repair.
And scissors trapped under upturned and sat-upon trash can
in full dark with shredded will.

All of the tiger's family, including 'Papa'
accomplices in extortion...
more patient than the buzzards
squatting on the masonry.

The bobcat put the anointed elevator shoes on
the one tiger's ears
the way he always liked to wear them.

White hairs, grey hairs
blowing in the hammock's little breeze.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

3 In the Hammock of Used Nooses

nightfall. so unlike the tortoise to annihilate in three minutes under the guise of a haltered
prickly pear. leaving false evidence in the hammock made of used nooses.

playing cards in the plaza parking lot. rumors of purple garters. and rump...yes, certainly.
"Rise an ounce! If only to collide with..!!"

the tiger, her husband, in a prolonged coma.

A series of them, with accomplices, under the guise of the custom of the day.

How about in an oval-backed cane chair?
Or on a mound of uncooked starches??

A big wave from the camel in the wings.

Blithe bobcat respectfully anointing an elevator shoe.
(Despite mockery from the comatose tiger's relatives).

Always looking both ways and drinking all his Corn Juice.

The tiger relatives fall into talk of
And who uses the best emollient.

All here under the guise of congratulations for a life well-lived.
And feigned remembering of his waltz of fame and happiness.

white hair, grey hair. anonymous now.

The sawhorse and scissors
reveal the modified will,

all rough edges and embroidered in italics,

(the guise of unalloyed truth)...

transferring it to the trash can.

A kind of 'palm tree' folding chair stands tucked behind
the masonry. Remembering.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2 Under The Guise Of

nightfall. to annihilate anonymous. under the guise of a prickly pear cactus.
hammock to butt with horns. flattery and fibs avoidable.

in the plaza parking lot, dark purple thistle. rumors of garter laughable.
yes, certainly.

scoff, jeer, comma, under the guise of prolonged unconsciousness.

a series of this, (of the same type). to complicate, accomplices in crime
under the guise of custom style, oval-backed cane chairs.

a mound of villainy. under the guise of.

scissors, sawhorse, folding chair. revolving in a rough sketch.

puzzle (made of) bland, uncooked (starches).

a big wave, embroidered in italics.

camel in a cornfield. still, yet eventually to move.
to transfer the trigger of a gun.

white hair, grey hair. a kind of palm tree behind the masonry.

bland, uncooked starches in a waltz of fame and happiness. Congratulations!

nightfall, to anonymous scissors under the hammock.

sawhorse (indoors) working rough-edged puzzle pieces. (A picture of
a butt with horns).

the folding chair (is visiting neighbors) in the laughable plaza parking lot.

dark purple, unalloyed fibs...yes...certainly. a series of the same kind (as

a big wave from the camel in the wings.

under the guise of custom-styled corn.